The Library will be closed Monday, February 17 in observance of Presidents' Day. Go Here to find all our Holiday Closures

Book Groups

A picture of a book group discussion.

Isn’t it fun to talk about a book you just read with others? The Nevins Library hosts several different Book Groups to do just that. We have groups for children, teens, and several different themed groups for adults. It’s a great way to get together with friends to talk about books and current topics.

Whether you’ve participated in our Book Groups before, or not, there is always room for new members. Come to a meeting and see if you like it

Formerly known as Sociable Seniors. This is not your average book group!

We are still sociable, but, you don’t have to be a senior to  join us. (You do have to be an adult).

Read whatever interest you. Then come to a meeting and share your thoughts with the group. We also talk about any activities, trips, concerts, etc. that we have taken part in or planning to do. Guaranteed laughs at every meeting!

Join us on the last Friday of the month at 1pm. (Barring holidays).

Any questions, feel free to contact Tracy 978-686-4080 x19

Upcoming Dates: December 27
January 31, 2025
February 28
March 28
April 25
May 30
June 27

Los abismos por Pilar QuintanaEl propósito del club es promover el amor por la literatura en español en un ambiente positivo y enriquecedor. Los adultos de cualquier parte del mundo con interés en la literatura en español tendrán la oportunidad de participar porque las reuniones de discusión se llevarán a cabo de manera presencial y virtual a través de Zoom. Cabe destacar que solo hay 10 espacios disponibles para aquellas personas que prefieran participar presencialmente.

Libro de marzo: Los abismos / Pilar Quintana

La inscripción se realizará a través de este formulario.  Las personas inscritas serán las únicas que podrán participar del club.

Este nuevo club de lectura de libros en español para adultos se reunirá a las 7:00 p. m. el primer miércoles de cada mes.

Para más información comunicarse al 978-686-4080 exts. 14 o 16. También puede enviar un correo electrónico a Gladys Medina o Elizabeth Borges Ocasio.

Agatha Christie by Lucy Worsley“Stranger than Fiction” is a book club specifically for those who enjoy reading non-fiction. We’ll read across all topics within non-fiction (e.g. Biographies, True Crime, Travelogues, etc.) except for the troublesome two—religion and politics. After all, we want to start a discussion, not a fight! The group meets on the 2nd Monday of each month at 7pm (barring holidays).

The next meeting will be March 10th at 7pm. The Book is Agatha Christie: An Elusive Woman by Lucy Worsley

Selected books are available at the Main Desk for each month leading to the meeting. New Members are always welcome!

For details on upcoming meetings, click below:

2024-25 Stranger Than Fiction Book Schedule

The Stone Home by Crystal Hana Kim

Version 1.0.0

This book group for adults meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month All Year. We meet at 7pm.

It will focus on authors and stories that explore diverse and underrepresented voices and experiences.

The next meeting is on March 11 at 7pm and the book is The Stone Home by Crystal Hana Kim

Copies of the selected book are available at the Main Desk for the month leading up to the meeting. New members are always welcome.

September 2024 to March 2025 WORDS Book Schedule

Empire Falls by Richard RussoThis book group for adults meets on the first Thursday evening of each month September through June. We meet from 7 – 9 pm.

The next meeting March 6 at 7pm. The book is 2000 Pulitzer Prize: Empire Falls by Richard Russo.

Copies of the selected book are available at the Main Desk for the month leading up to the meeting. New members are always welcome.

For details on upcoming meetings click below:

2024-2025 Thursday Eve Book Schedule

Deacon King Kong by James McBride

This book group for adults meets on the third Wednesday of each month September through May or June and reads a variety of books from a variety of genres. We meet from 1 – 2:30 pm.

The next meeting is on February 19 at 1pm and the book is Deacon King Kong by James McBride.

Copies of the selected book are available at the Main Desk for the month leading up to the meeting. New members are always welcome.

For details on upcoming meetings, click below:

24-25 Wed Afternoon Book Schedule

Beige scroll being written on by a red and grey feather pen

The Nevins Library LGBTQ+ Book Discussion is open to any adult (18+) who is interested in reading quality fiction, non-fiction and biography on LGBTQ+ topics and themes or by gay/lesbian authors. We meet on the second Thursday of each month September through June from 3 – 5 pm.

The next meeting will be on March 13 at 3pm and it will be a ‘Poetry Slam’

Selected books are available at the Main Desk for each month leading to the meeting. New Members are always welcome!

She’s a Haunting by Trang Thanh TranIn the past couple of decades teen fiction has blown up. Teens everywhere clamor for the latest John Green or Cassandra Clare novel. These books aren’t just popular with the intended audience either. More and more adults are finding that teen fiction has a lot to offer, though they’ve left their high school years behind them. Come and join us for this book club and explore all that the world of teen fiction has to offer. This group will meets on the 3rd Thursday of every month.

The next meeting will be on February 20 at 7pm. The book will be She is a Haunting by Trang Thanh Tran

Selected Books will be available the month before the meeting at the main desk. New Members are always welcome!

Please Note: The April Meeting will take place on April 10, not April 17.

For details on upcoming meetings, click below:

2024-25 Forever Youngish Book Schedule