The Library will close early at 3pm on Saturday, October 26 for a Funeral
The Library will close early at 5pm on Tuesday, October 29th for a Staff Event, and open late at Noon on Wednesday, October 30th after a Special Event. Go Here to find all our Holiday Closures

August 2023 MassBook List

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
by Stieg Larsson; Translated by Reg Keeland

The disappearance forty years ago of Harriet Vanger, a young scion of one of the wealthiest families in Sweden, gnaws at her octogenarian uncle, Henrik Vanger. He is determined to know the truth about what he believes was her murder. He hires crusading journalist Mikael Blomkvist, recently at the wrong end of a libel case, to get to the bottom of Harriet’s disappearance. Lisbeth Salander, a twenty-four-year-old, pierced, tattooed genius hacker, possessed of the hard-earned wisdom of someone twice her age–and a terrifying capacity for ruthlessness–assists Blomkvist with the investigation. This unlikely team discovers a vein of nearly unfathomable iniquity running through the Vanger family, an astonishing corruption at the highest echelon of Swedish industrialism–and a surprising connection between themselves.

La Confesion by John Grisham

La confesión
John Grisham; Traducción de Jofre Homedes Beuntnagel

Un hombre inocente va a ser ejecutado. Solamente puede salvarle el culpable del crimen que no cometió. Pero¿será capaz un hombre culpable de convencer a los abogados, los jueces y los políticos de que están a punto de ejecutar a un hombre inocente?

Lois Guardianes del Libro by Geraldine Brooks

Los guardianes del libro
Geraldine Brooks; Traduccion de Claudio Molinari

Sidney, 1996. En plena madrugada, Hanna Heath, una prestigiosa conservadora de manuscritos medievales, recibe una llamada: la Haggadah de Sarajevo, uno de los libros más excepcionales y misteriosos del mundo, ha reaparecido tras permanecer oculto varios años y las Naciones Unidas la reclaman para que compruebe su estado. Sin dudarlo, acepta el encargo y viaja a Sarajevo. Cuando Hanna procede a su estudio, descubre entre sus páginas una serie de extrañas muestras: un ala de insecto, un cabello blanco, una mancha de vino. A medida que se van desvelando las identidades de quienes intervinieron en su elaboración, son reveladas también las vidas de sus salvadores, los guardianes del libro, hombres y mujeres que arriesgaron sus vidas para protegerlo a través de guerras, persecuciones, exilio, Inquisición, genocidio, hasta lograr que llegue sano y salvo a nuestros días. Pero, ¿está realmente a salvo?

The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery

The Little Prince
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry ; Translated by Katherine Woods

An aviator whose plane is forced down in the Sahara Desert encounters a little prince from a small planet who relates his adventures in seeking the secret of what is important in life.

El Principito by Antoine de Saint-Exupery

El Principito
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry ; Traducido por Bonifacio del Carril

Un aviador cuyo avión es derribado en el desierto del Sahara se encuentra con un principito de un pequeño planeta que le relata sus aventuras en busca del secreto de lo que es importante en la vida.

Mil Veces Hast Siempre by John Green

Mil veces hasta siempre
John Green; Traducción de Noemí Sobregués

Aza nunca tuvo intención de investigar el misterio del multimillonario fugitivo Russell Pickett. Pero hay una recompensa de cien mil dólares en juego, y su mejor y más atrevida amiga, Daisy, no está dispuesta a dejarla escapar. Juntas, Aza y Daisy recorrerán la corta distancia y las enormes diferencias que les separan del hijo de Russell Pickett, Davis.

Star Trek Prometheus: Fire with Fire

Star Trek Prometheus: Fire with Fire
by Bernd Perplies & Christian Humberg; Translated by Helga Parmiter & Keith R.A. DeCandido

Several brutal terrorist attacks have occurred near the border of the Klingon Empire, resulting in thousands of deaths. With the Klingons calling for violent vengeance, the Federation races to discover the perpetrators, sending the USS Prometheus, their most powerful ship, to the border region to find the culprits and solve the mystery before war breaks out in the galaxy.

The Thief by Fuminori Nakamura

The Thief
Fuminori Nakamura; Translated by Satoko Izumo & Stephen Coates

The Thief is a seasoned pickpocket. Anonymous in a tailored suit, he weaves through Tokyo crowds smoothly stealing wallets from nameless, faceless strangers. He has no family, friends or connections, but his past catches up with him when his old partner offers him a job he can’t refuse. Tie up an old rich man and steal the contents of his safe. Only afterwards does he learn the man was a prominent politician, who was brutally murdered after the robbery. This tangle might be too difficult for even the Thief to escape.