MassBook Challenge Lists Archive

Did you miss any of the themes of the MassBook Reading Challenge? You can find all the previous years’ lists here.

The words January and Enero above a snow covered hill with evergreen trees scattered on it

Books Under 100 Pgs.

An off white wall with the words February and Febrero on it and cut out hearts put up with clothespins in a row under the words

A Book Set in Your Home Town/City
or State

A green bed of yellow flowers with the words March and Marzo over them

A Mass Books Awards Honoree

The words April and Abril over flowers

A Collection of Poetry

The words May and Mayo above a variety of flowers

A Book of Non-Fiction on a Subject New To You

The words June and Junio next to two palm leaves, a tube of sunscreen lotion, orange sunglasses, and an orange and white shell

A Book Set in a Country You’ve Never Visited

A flag in the shape of a heart and a blowing flag surrounding the words July and Julio

A Book borrowed from your local library

Grasses and a dune in the front of the ocean with the words August and Agosto above them

A Book in Translation

Various shades of orange leaves with the words September and Septiembre over them

A Book by an Author with Your First or Last Name

Three pumpkins piled together near the bottom and four leaves floating around the words October and Octubre

A Bestseller From the Year You Turned 18.

Pumpkin pie, a scarf, and leafs all on a dark green background with the words November and Noviembre in White

A book recommended by a local bookseller

The edges of evergreen branches and plastic snowflakes with the words December/Diciembre in the middle

A book published in 2023